Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Do you ever outgrow report cards?

The day before Christmas both our boys got their progress reports.  We also have a sign on the wall at the holidays that reads "Dear Santa, define good."  Lucky for them, they both had all A's so Santa made a trip to our house after all.  Apparently the lost science homework made its way into school in the nick of time.

In today's mail we received a Customer Satisfaction Survey from one of our customers.  After a couple of months in their home, or in this case, camp, each of our customers receives this in the mail along with a self addressed stamped envelope.  It's not designed for us to pat ourselves on the back, though that feels good from time to time, but it is a snapshot of what went well and areas that we could improve for next time.

It asks about our client's experience from the beginning to end and asks about honesty- a huge thing for me, helpfulness, knowledge and more.

We really appreciate the time it takes our customers to fill it out and we look at each one carefully because we should always strive to do better next time- even when it went well.  Without change and improvement even the best companies can eventually falter so each of us involved talks about the "report card" and the opportunities for the next time.

Wishing you each a happy new year!

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