Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Your education shouldn't end after you graduate.

It's quiet early in our house tonight, in anticipation of the first day of school for the city schools.

Backpacks are ready, lunch checks written, shower schedule has been discussed... so far, so good.

But it occured to me that there are always reasons your entire life to continue your education.  I have some sort of book going at all times, for a while I was reading books on training for triathlons, I have read numerous books on business and there are lots of great blogs and trade journals to continue to better our craft.  As the kids have grown, I was always reading up on their development.  The more I know, the more I realize there is to know!

And we try to do our part by offering our home building seminars.  For the past eight years, we have offered these workshops at no cost or obligation to the participants.  Our adage is really, an informed customer is a happy customer.  And you are welcome to come time and time again.  (The pizza really is good.) But chances are one session will be at the time you are just thinking about building, another might be right after you have completed a mortgage application, and then next during the construction phase.  There is something new to learn each time!

The next session has just been scheduled for Thursday, October 6th.  If you'd like to join us, we'd be happy to get you all the details.

So continue to learn and grow, and hopefully I get the kids to school on time!

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