If you have the opportunity, I encourage you to visit Bill Lake Homes on the weekend of April 24 and 25th. I have toured the facility many times over the years, and always learn something new and interesting.
There is something special about watching a home be built indoors. All the raw materials, tools and manpower are all inside under controlled conditions. You don't need to worry about materials getting ruined or stolen, or a craftsman hurrying because of bad weather.
Because Bill Lake is there personally overseeing every home built in his facility, you can be sure there are no corners cut.
He is so proud of his homes, he has decided to have a spring open house to invite you to tour them personally. You can see model homes, the design center and the factory where the homes are built.
And as an extra incentive, one person will win $20,000 off their new home! PHO has been lucky in year's past so perhaps this year it will be you!
Check out www.billlakehomes.com for more details!
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