We were so excited that the Home buyer tax credit has been both extended AND expanded.
Read all the highlights of the entire program at www.federalhousingtaxcredit.com.
We were so happy that some of our customers were able to take advantage as first time buyers this year. We are happy that some of our customers building in 2010 will also be able to tak advantage as repeat buyers!
But one thing is for sure. You MUST stay on track in order to meet the June 30th deadline. I know that feels far away, but we have created a time line to help you understand the building process. With your permission, we will help you stay on track!
Our suggestions? Start sooner rather than later as you never know when there will be a delay with financing or during construction, such as getting power. Some of the process we have little control over.
And we also suggest that you commit to your project so that we can "put you on the board" as there are already 10 scheduled projects going into the new year- all wanting to take advantage of this program.
Want a copy of the time line? Visit www.plattsburghhousing.com or email me at michelle@plattsburghhousing.com and I'll email you one!
Happy Thanksgiving. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and a job I love.