Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Perhaps the best part of my job

The day one of our customer's new home arrives and they get to walk through their months of hard work is such a highlight for me.

This week, we had three such occasions.

The LaValley's in Chazy researched and researched their home and decided on a Mohawk 3 from Bill Lake Homes with a walk out basement. They were excited to tell us of the great find on stainless appliances they were having delivered!

Their first set of stairs is the F150 in front :)

Second, was the Miller house in Peru. Chad made some nice modifications to this Manorwood ranch in the Select series. It has a great kitchen!

And last was the Giroux home also in Peru- practically around the corner! This home they had modified from a manufactured home we had on display- and the changes came out perfectly. I had always liked the plan as we had it at the sales center, but I think I like this even more! Good job.

All these photos represent day one of when the home has arrived on site. It is amazing what a few hours can accomplish for a modular home!

Trick or treat! Halloween Fest is not complete without rain!

Our tenth Halloween Festival has now come and gone. It is nice to see familiar faces each year, and those who come sincerely seem to enjoy themselves. BUT... it is so frustrating to have the rain come each year, as some of the events must be outdoors.

Some highlights, one of our customers who was in working on their new home the morning of the festival handed me a crisp $50 to put towards the event. Their good deed was rewarded by winning one of the raffle items they tried for!

Another highlight, a mom called me mid-week to see if she and her kids could come volunteer. I gave them the craft room which they enjoyed. They had come to the event each year but the kids were now too old. It was really nice and I appreciated the help.

We managed to raise $4200 this year for the Ronald McDonald House in VT. Audrey Magram (Magrams Dept Store for those of you old enough to remember) had requested my help all those years ago and she was at the event this year. It was a nice touch. We have now raised over $33,000 for the RMH in total. Many of the families who use their facility are from our side of the lake, and over the years I have heard how it has touched many lives locally.

Of course, Sunday was sunny and gorgeous :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rain rain go away!

Tomorrow is our 10th annual Halloween Festival. I remember those first years when the boys were tiny- the whole reason we started the event was to help families have a fun, safe place to bring their kids for Halloween. A nice, but originally unexpected side effect of the day was that we have now raised over $30,000 for the Ronald McDonald House in VT.

I will meet Audrey Magram tomorrow- the lady who talked me into raising money for the house. I hope she sees how hard we have worked for the event.

Which leads me to ask just one question- mother nature, why can't you throw me a bone? Out of ten years the weather only cooperated once. Once. We're trying to do something good here!!

And this year, ironically, we not only have to deal with rain, but according to Gib, it is the remnants of a hurricane!

Anyway, please come regardless. I'll save you a donut :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A new chapter

We love success stories.

I just received some great photos from Stacey and Nicci Bedard who are expecting their new daughter if a few weeks.

They won $6,000 off their gorgeous colonial by attending the Bill Lake Home Show last fall and we built their new home in Champlain for them this year.

They did such a nice job decorating their daughter's room. Welcome baby Callie Ann :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A new day!

Welcome to our new blog.

This was a busy weekend. It started Friday night at the Holiday Inn with our last home building seminar of 2009. It was a good turnout, which I am always thankful for. It is nice to have our efforts appreciated since we put a considerable amount of time and money into it!

Saturday turned out to be a gorgeous day at our fall open house. Thanks so much to our builder reps who travelled through an early season snow storm in PA to come see us and our clients!

I had a great day meeting a couple of nice Internet customers who visited for the first time! After communicating for months, its like meeting old friends. I am looking forward to working with them.

We got high marks for our new display model too! I was so pleased with how it turned out!