The day one of our customer's new home arrives and they get to walk through their months of hard work is such a highlight for me.
This week, we had three such occasions.
The LaValley's in Chazy researched and researched their home and decided on a Mohawk 3 from Bill Lake Homes with a walk out basement. They were excited to tell us of the great find on stainless appliances they were having delivered!
Their first set of stairs is the F150 in front :)
Second, was the Miller house in Peru. Chad made some nice modifications to this Manorwood ranch in the Select series. It has a great kitchen!
And last was the Giroux home also in Peru- practically around the corner! This home they had modified from a manufactured home we had on display- and the changes came out perfectly. I had always liked the plan as we had it at the sales center, but I think I like this even more! Good job.
All these photos represent day one of when the home has arrived on site. It is amazing what a few hours can accomplish for a modular home!